7 Remarkable Dog Constipation Symptoms & Remedies [Simplified]

Dogs are as different as the people who own them. They all have their own personalities, temperaments, and ways of doing things. One thing they have in common is that they sometimes get constipated, just like people. You should pay attention to the symptoms of constipation in dogs to help your dog feel better and get back to normal life sooner rather than later.

What is Dog Constipation?

Constipation, also known as difficult bowel movements, is characterized by irregular bowel movements and hard or dry stools. It is a common problem for all dogs, from the largest Great Danes to the smallest Chihuahuas. If your dog poops less than usual, strains to poop, or defecates hard, dry, lumpy feces, he could be suffering from constipation. This is a very uncomfortable condition for your dog, but if you act immediately, you can help him feel better.

It can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • An animal’s diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nervousness
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep

What Are the Signs of Constipation?

Symptoms of constipation in dogs begin with general malaise and loss of appetite. Your pet may not be as energetic as usual and may start whining. He or she may also stop responding to his or her name.

The next phase is one of discomfort. The dog may hold his tail down, which may indicate an animal in distress. A painful abdomen due to constipation will cause the dog to whine even more and eventually cry out in pain.

The final stage is when your dog is unable to defecate naturally and requires medical intervention.

Dog Constipation Remedies

There are a number of remedies that can be used to cure your dog’s constipation.

Reduce your dog’s stress level:

This can be as simple as adding a new toy or two to his basket or by spending more time playing with him each day. Dogs who spend regular time in the presence of their owners are less stressed and in better overall moods, so they are less likely to get constipated.

Green Tea:

This is one of the many remedies that can be used to cure and prevent constipation in dogs. Green tea, which contains caffeine, has been shown in several studies to help relieve constipation and treat other causes of the condition.

Not only does green tea contain caffeine, but it also contains chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the body, including mucus and phlegm in the respiratory system.

For a dog with constipation or hard stools, the two most important ingredients are helpful bacteria and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are both. Although they are not exactly the same as human food, your dog will also love these nutritious treats.

Who knew this little orange vegetable could be so good for dogs? This is a really unusual recipe for treats, and we make no claim to be responsible for any health issues.

Many dogs love pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.

For dogs with constipation, the most important ingredient is fiber. Fresh whole milk is a good choice as it is high in both.

We will add some salt to our canned milk (one tablespoon per cup). This is an extra step, but it can help make the treats more palatable for dogs.

Why you should feed your dog milk: The fiber in milk can relieve constipation.
Dogs love the taste and many dogs will eat it without any other food source.

Ginger is a powerful herb that has been used for thousands of years not only to treat acute ailments but also to prevent and treat chronic diseases. It is very effective in reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and killing germs.

Fresh ginger root is good for dogs with constipation. If you can’t find fresh ginger, use the prepared capsules available at most health food stores. Also good are ginger candies available at health food stores.

Olive or Vegetable Oil:
Some dogs love the taste of olive or vegetable oil.

Just make sure you buy one that is natural and has no additives.

Reason for using Oil: Olive and other oils can be effective for dogs that have problems defecating. Since they do not bloat the feces, they are unlikely to cause diarrhea. The natural fiber in these products can help relieve constipation over time.

What remedy is best for constipated dogs: treatment?

Give your dog large amounts of freshwater. The water will help soften the stool and increase the frequency of bowel movements.


Constipation is something that can occur in any dog. The dog may be too old, have a stomach ulcer, or there may be a blockage in the intestines. The ideal situation for constipation is to treat it before it becomes too much for the dog’s system. Make sure you regulate your dog’s diet and exercise factors to avoid this problem altogether and always take your pet outside for bathroom breaks during the day.
